The Exciting Journey of My Coding Experience: Onwumere Franklyn

The story of my coding career is more than interesting that you will not want to leave any stone unturned. The story will not only motivate you but will trigger the inner you to start your own coding career or other fields you are interested in without hesitating.  Let’s dive deeper into the exciting journey of my coding experience: Onwumere Franklyn.


How It All Started: The Begining

It has always been my dream to do technical work like Electricals or Steel Welding. After secondary school, I worked in a Steel company as a computer operator, the company is into construction of steel tanks, tanks stand, iron gates and more. That is how I fall in love with steel welding job.


On the other hand, my elder brother was an Electrician, he do house wiring and coiling of some gadgets.   Most time, I do accompany him to do some electrical work. During the cause, the job was interesting which almost change my mind about choosing an electrical job as my career.


The Switch: Change of Course

After all said and done, I am now ready to further my education as an electrical/electronic engineer. I know where I am going and I know that university is not for me. Rather I choose polytechnic which makes me buy my Poly Jamb with Electrical/Electronic as my discipline. This qualifies me to buy my Post Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination(UTME) with the same discipline.

This is where the switch happened. Should I call it Lucky or Unlucky? Actually, the school I am applying for is Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, I went to Nekede to get the form. by default, you are expected to fill ur form after purchasing but should I call it ignorance or lack of experience.

I gave the form to a business center to fill the form for me online. I wrote down all my information that will be filled and I left, coming back to collect for the form, I was surprised with what I saw. The business center I gave my form to fill online for me changed my course unknowingly. What they filled was Computer Science instead of Electrical/Electronic Engineer. I was happy and at the same time, I was sad as well.

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The question is what would I do? I started asking questions just to know my stand if whether I can go fast and collect another form or should I still have the chance to gain admission with that Changed Course. But I discovered that both Disciplines are in the same faculty.


The Exciting Journey of My Coding Experience: Onwumere Franklyn

More Interesting - The Exciting Journey of My Coding Experience: Onwumere Franklyn

To cut the story shorter, I took the the exams under Computer Science Department and I gain admission to Federal Polytechnic Nekede. That is where my coding journey started. The course is more than interesting because I do have little experience in computing.

My first year in the polytechnic is much fun because I was introduced to coding, if I do remember correctly, it should be Qbasic. Qbasic introduced me to Variables, Functions and more coding terms.  This is all I need to excel in this coding career. The main fun is not just depending on what I was been taught in class. I did my own reach on Qbasic which gave me the edge on doing assignments for my fellow course mate.

The love I have for Qbasic makes me want to know more about coding. I use Qbasic to solve some real-life problems and it was fun. My quest and taste for Coding escalated. Luckily for me, in my second year, I was introduced to Visual Basic and HTML.


The Journey Get More Interested: Next Level

More Interesting - The Exciting Journey of My Coding Experience: Onwumere Franklyn

I am much happier using Qbasic to solve real-life problems until Visual Basic came. This is something else to me. This is just like the upgrade my inner me is looking for. Visual Basic is far greater than Qbasic, it has a lot of features that Qbasic does not have. For example, Qbasic normally runs DOS while Visual Basic has its own application.

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Visual Basic can be used to create a desktop application and more, can you beat that. This is where I see that my journey to programming is just the beginning. I have no option but to jump into it and started using it to create some meaningful desktop applications like Calculator, Measurement Converter, CGP Calculator and more.

At the same time, HyperText Markup Language(HTML) is not something you will ignore, because is far easy than Visual Basic but is a kind of sweeter than Visual Basic and at that time, HTML is the tending coding on the internet because it does not have limitations compared to Visual Basic.


The Dive into The Coding Career

HTML Coding The Exciting Journey of My Coding Experience: Onwumere Franklyn

HTML unmasked so many areas in coding like CSS, Javascript, PHP, JQuery, AJAX and more. The reason I picked HTML and other is because of the flexibility and the scalable in nature. I start learning other scripting that works hand in hand with HTML. This pushes me to another level of coding and is more straightforward.

In the beginning, is something new but as time passes by, I started seeing myself doing more things with HTML and its associate, creating more projects on the internet. That is when I know that my coding journey has started, no going back.


The Earnings: My Coding Career

A career without earning is like working for nothing and that is not what we want to bargain for right? Let me fast forward the journey. During my final year, I see myself as a great programmer among my mate which gave me another edge for them to believe in me and what I am doing.

Being a computer science student, you are expected to create software for your final year project. this is where came in and start doing my coursemate project with some reasonable fee that can pay my bills and more. I did projects for about 20 of them without stress.

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That was my first reasonable cash in my coding career.  The next year after my graduation, I wrote software for more than 100 students in that department and I even start teaching people coding with some little fee as well. To me this is awesome but I need to move on because I believe this is just the tip of an iceberg.

Before I quit doing students’ jobs, I created a company called Extreme Technology Svcs Limited and get it registered with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC). I left the student environment and I started building web applications and websites for companies which the pay is far better than doing students’ work. I also build some projects for myself which is paying me greatly and awesomely.



What has a beginning, do have an ending, I would have loved to continue but let me end it here. If you have any questions or you need a piece of advice on how to go about your career. Please feel free to contact me or leave a comment in the comment section, i will not hold back to reply to you promptly.

There are some difficult times I went through during the whole process because is not really easy as it is been said. there are ups and downs but the ability to scale through makes you become who you are. What matters is to keep on doing the thing you love most. There is always a reward in passion.

The good news is that there is no regret in my coding career so far. It has been an amazing journey and I still look forward to accomplishing more tasks ahead.

This is The Exciting Journey of My Coding Experience: Onwumere Franklyn

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